"To foster gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ"
Faith Media
P.O. Box 525
Milford, MA
To involve parishes and local service groups in the needs of their neighborhood
raising of awareness of Catholics of the needs of the poor and marginal
prioritization of works of justice and love in our parishes and other agencies
organization of the service of almost every Catholic in these works
engagement in ecumenical agencies committed to the common good
expansion of works of charity and help for the needy
setting of specific targets for parish or diocesan involvement in works of service to meet immediate human needs
- Determine Diocesan role and where possible follow their lead.
- Examine other faith based efforts in your locale.
- Examine governmental efforts in your locale
To foster the importance of the family
marriage preparation and support for young married couples
family retreats and other religious experiences
spiritual, personal, social, and financial counseling for families
couple-to-couple faith sharing
support groups and networking for families
influencing of social policy to strengthen family life
- Pre Cana tag team (Match a pre cana couple with an established couple from the parish that has received training).
- Church picnics and activities
To develop groups to explore issues of the workplace and lay spirituality
workshops on evangelization in the workplace
support groups for professionals
retreats on the value of work and the ethical/justice issues associated with employment
renewal days organized by and for lay people
To encourage Catholic witness in the arts and in the American intellectual community
development of the arts as a way to proclaim the Gospel
formation of faith support groups for artists
promotion of gospel values in Catholic institutions of higher learning
support of campus ministries in their Christian witness to institutions of higher learning
To involve every Catholic, on different levels, in areas of public policy
parish education programs with a social justice component
study and education about political choices that Catholics make;
voter registration drives
support groups for professional Catholics and other Christians, particularly in areas of law, economics, and social services
encouragement of lay people to run for and hold public office
To involve the Catholic Church, on every level, in the media
development of media plans for evangelization on the national, local, and parochial levels
use of audio, video, and videotapes to communicate the Catholic faith to others
reflection on Catholics' use of the media in their homes, workplaces, and educational settings
formation of task forces of Catholics and other Christians involved in communications in various regions to discuss questions of values in the media and the impact Christian people can have on them
involvement of bishops and other religious leaders as public spokespersons of the Church through local print and broadcast media
cultivation of cable television, optical storage, computer, and other technology for communicating the Gospel and Christian values
- If the Parish has a web site post video or written blogs from parishoners describing their experiences in the faith community and to invite the audience to join.
To involve Catholics, at every level, in questions of economic systems
use of professional resources in the parish and diocese to raise questions about economic systems and their consequences concerning the dominant issues of justice, particularly homelessness, social inequities, educational opportunities, housing and employ
formation of ministries to deal with unjust economic systems and practices